5 Mealtime Products My 4-Year Olds Use Daily

5 Mealtime Products My 4-Year Olds Use Daily

As a mom, I feel like my life revolves around the kids’ snacks and meals. I know there’s 24 hours in a day, but why does it feel like 20 of those are spent prepping food and/or feeding it to K and M??

I thought I’d compile a list of the food items we use every.single.day in case anyone else out there is looking for something similar.

Side note - these are not affiliate links. I do not get commission or any sort of perk from you clicking on the links or purchasing items. I just wanted to share products we love with all of you! I always feel more confident buying something if someone I know used it and loved it.

Up first, hydration. We tried the Kids Hydroflask but I found that it leaked a lot and wasn’t quite durable enough for my 2-year olds (at the time). Yeti was making their way onto the main stage (or maybe I was just late to the game??), so I gave their kid version bottle a chance. I was in love. Not 100% leak-proof, but much less spillage than the hydroflask. It’s also wayyyyy more durable. Sure there’s scrapes on them from the constant wear and tear, but they have definitely stood the test of time.

If you’re like our household, you have a million cups overflowing out of the cabinet. I originally bought these Squeasy Snackers to be used as reusable pouches for applesauce, smoothies, etc. BUT, the kids wanted milk in them one day and we’ve never turned back. They’re perfect for the drive to school in the morning. VERY little ability to spill and the perfect size for little hands. Just throw them in the dishwasher and they’re ready the next morning!

What about mealtime you ask? Our go to has been Pillowfort’s plates and bowls. We’ve been using these pretty much since the kids started solids and they still look like we bought them yesterday! At our local Target, you can buy them individually or as a multi-pack. The rate my keiki go through dishes, I obviously went for the multi-pack…or two. They’re super durable and come in lots of colors.

To help contain the mess that comes with mealtime, we love these Munchkin Silicone Placemats. What I love about them is that they stay put during meals, and they’re super easy to clean! I bought them over a year and a half ago and they still look like they’re brand new. I bought the blue/purple 2-pack, but looks like it also comes in a blue/green combo pack if you’re more into those colors.

Can’t forget about dessert! But actually, we use these for snack time. Which is all the time. Popsicles! These are the actual ones I purchased two years ago, but looks like they’re out of stock. This popsicle mold looks almost identical though! We just blend up some greek yogurt and fruit in the blender, pour it into the molds, freeze, and voila! Yummy, healthy popsicles for when your kid starts rummaging through the fridge/freezer for a snack. Wait, is that just my kid that does that?

I hope you found this helpful. I’d love to know what meal related products you use everyday for your keiki! Let me know in the comments. 

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